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Thanks for Checking Out The Dividend Growth Forum
It is March 15, 2013, and I just launched this site today. There are lots of great websites about investing in dividend growth stocks, but I have not been able to find a great forum dedicated to discussing and debating the merits of dividend growth investing and of individual DG stocks. So I decided I'd start one.

I've created this top section of the forum -- "Launching the Dividend Growth Forum" -- in the hopes of engaging the early participants in the forum in helping to shape the site. Please share your ideas about how to make this a great and helpful site, with a large and active membership engaging in thoughtful discussion about dividend growth investing. I am open to all ideas.

I hope that before long, the site will spread its wings and take off on its own, and I can delete this top section as no longer needed. But for now, while we get through the early days, please use this as an opportunity to discuss creating an excellent forum together.

This is a great idea! I agree that there are not many good choices for a dedicated forum to discuss DG stuff. So I was really excited when I found this one, but must admit I am disappointed that there seems to be nobody here!
Hey TomK, and welcome!

Don't be put off by how quiet it is at the moment. I haven't started doing any marketing at all yet -- really still getting this site organized and off the ground. Please stick around, let me know your thoughts about the site, and help get some good conversations going. You can be one of our founding members!

Hey, I just found this site and i think this is truly a great idea that could easily become a huge forum eventually. I will let my friends know and some might be interested in signing up.
Looks promising in this place. I will be posting as much as i can to help this place grow so we can all benefit from the information shared.
Hi Kerim! This is a great idea as I don't believe a good forum exists for dividend growth investors to congregate and communicate with each other on different ideas. I'm excited I found your site and am looking forward to participating. I'll be sure to link to this message board from my site to try to encourage some investors to take part in the discussions!
Hi Dan -- Thanks for posting and welcome to the site! Glad to have you here, and truly appreciate any traffic that you send our way.

Just found this site via a post by Dan mac on his site. I'm fairly new to investing (little over a year), but after reading endless books and articles--dividend value investing seems the most intelligent way to ensure a good retirement. I look forward to advice and insights (and a searchable database--which many of the Div.Inv sites I frequent don't have).

Hey Ronn -- welcome to the site! Looking forward to having you join the conversations.
Thanks for starting it, Kerim! I've used discussion boards before for motorcycles, cars, and sports activities, but never thought of trying it for investments until I read about DGI on Seeking Alpha. I'm looking forward to learning more about this investment methodology!
Just found this site via dans website. I'm glad to able to hear others thoughts\opinions on investing.
Welcome Shawnjeffrey -- very glad you found us. It is still a pretty small group, but we are growing slowly but surely. Looking forward to your posts!

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