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Hi folks, I'm a pediatrician from NJ now retired (almost) living in Vero Beach, FL. With a large family and no pension, I depend upon a little real estate income, social security, and income that I can generate from my IRAs.
The IRS fought doctors incorporating for a number of yrs, so most MDs of my age did not have many yrs to build savings. I made the usual tyro mistakes of dealing with stock brokers, and going with hot tips that rarely panned out. Now I am solidly into dividend growth stocks and doing quite well.
I have a small portion of my assets that I use for options(puts, calls, and spreads). I don't buy calls though. that's a loser's game (for me at least)
Looking forward to learning more from you folks and maybe passing on some of the wisdom that I have acquired (usually the hard way)
Welcome Dr. Fred!!
Yes, welcome Dr. Fred! Looking forward to your wisdom -- and perhaps we should open an online diagnosis section! Wink We just got home from the pediatrician's with my daughter.
I hope it was just for a check-up. I've been at this for fifty yrs doing half and half general peds and peds hematology and oncology, but I stopped the oncology about seven yrs ago since it isn't a field that you can cut back on. I still do some gen'l peds at the ripe old age of 84.
The almighty has been good to me both physically and mentally, so why not push on.
My hobbies are golf, medicine, and the stock market, and maybe driving my wife nuts.
I don't know much about moving around this site, but I will eventually figure it out. I did learn how to use my iphone 5S (sorta)
Let me know where you are going to be and I'll try to track you down. Fred
Wow -- no slowing down for you I guess! A great problem to have.

My daughter has a very rare condition called Dravet syndrome, so almost none of her doctor visits are routine. Yesterday was nothing dire though. Funny, but her pediatrician practiced oncology for many years. I think that is part of the reason we trust him so much -- he is good with complicated cases.

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